Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Battle of Seven Pines

The battle of Seven Pines
(Google eBook)
Front Cover
Gustavus Woodson Smith
0 Reviews
G. C. Crawford, printer, 1891 - History - 202 pages

The Fifth Alabama and the Twelfth Mississippi [Rode's left wing] continued to hold their ground steadily [in the second abatis] though subjected to a constant fire from the enemy's musketry, which inflicted a severe loss upon them. Page 53

Night having settled upon the field, I posted in this extreme position, with instructions to throw out picketws, the Nihneteenth Mississippi Regiment [of Wilcox's brigade], which...had now arrived. Page 62

When the signal for attack was given [at 1 P.M.], only my line of skirmisher, the Sixth Alabama, and another regiment, the Twetfth Mississippi were in position. page 71

Three Confederate regiments (Second and Fifth Texas and Second Mississippi) bivouacked within half musket shot of the New Hampshire regiment; and, [the latter] having retired before daylight, without noise or confusion, nothing was seen of the enemy until about 5 in the morning. Pages 105-106

The Nineteenth Mississippi had been ordered to report to General [R. H.] Anderson the previous evening, and had been thrown forward a few hundred yards farther on the road.....Page 117

The Nineteenth Mississippi had already repulsed the enemy in its front, the other troops doing well, and the engagement now ragin furiously was going on as well as could be desired; but just at this time an oder in writing was sent to me to withdraw my command, which was instantly done. Pages 159 -160

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